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Using RevenueCat in existing apps

RevenueCat enables existing subscription businesses to offload and replace their entire subscription infrastructure, or use any number of RevenueCat features alongside their existing code. RevenueCat provides a powerful backend for validating purchases from the app stores and maintains a rich purchase history and subscriptions state for the customer. Use that power to increase engineering productivity and unlock new growth opportunities.

Subscription and purchase status

Subscriptions status tracking has been at the core of RevenueCat from the early beginning - keeping a single source-of-truth across iOS, Android, Amazon, and web subscriptions - and today powers some of the worlds top grossing apps. Billions of API calls every day check RevenueCat servers to reliably grant the correct level of access to customers across the globe.

If your engineering team is tired of writing and maintaining code to determine subscription state and aren't confident in the exact subscription status of every subscriber at any point in time, then you're in the right place.

When using RevenueCat as a subscription status source-of-truth you typically want to migrate 100% of your existing subscriptions into RevenueCat. There are mobile SDK methods to migrate customers or REST APIs and bulk scripts to perform server-side migrations.

If a customer migration sounds like a scary process, we're here to help. We've helped hundreds of large apps make the switch to RevenueCat seamlessly.

Start your Migration Plan →

Subscription and purchase events, data, and analytics

Because RevenueCat knows the rich subscription status of all customers, it can send that information into other systems along with notifications of any changes. If you're not ready or unable to migrate your entire subscription infrastructure to RevenueCat you can still take advantage of these features to unlock growth for your business.

Level up your data, marketing, and product teams be sending actionable events into the tools they use and finally get clean, normalized, and actionable subscription data into you systems.

Getting started is as simple as a few lines of code.

Start your Migration Plan →

What else?

Most developers are using RevenueCat for one, or both, of the reasons above - but there is still more to it then that! If you have a problem or question with your current in-app subscriptions, we probably have an answer and would love to help. Get in touch →