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Unscripted Photographers

Damian Dara

Damian Dara

Lead iOS Developer

How RevenueCat’s Targeting feature saved Unscripted Photographers’ big sale 

The challenge

As 2023 came to a close, Lead iOS Developer Damian and his team were gearing up for their end of year sale.

The team was planning to release a new paywall for both iOS and Android customers surrounding the promotion, but the Android version was not going to be ready in time. With time running out to launch the sale, this meant that the team had to move forward with targeting their end-of-year promotion to iOS customers only. With the time crunch they were facing, the team was struggling to find a way to support unique remotely controlled offers for both Android and iOS without breaking old app versions. 

The Solution

That’s when Damian’s team discovered RevenueCat’s recently launched Targeting feature.

I’m so grateful that RevenueCat came up with this new feature.”

With Targeting, developers can tailor pricing, packaging, and paywalls for every audience. For the Unscripted Photography team, that meant targeting their end-of-year sale paywall offer to only iOS users on v3.1.16 so that their paywall on Android and old iOS versions would not be affected. 

“Without RevenueCat Targeting, our end of year sale would have probably failed. We didn’t have any other option to support unique offers for both Android and iOS.”

The Result 

RevenueCat Targeting saved the day for the Unscripted Photographers team, enabling them to launch their end-of-year sale as planned, to only iOS customers with a compatible app to receive the offer.

“RevenueCat was a lifesaver for us. Without it, we would have lost out on $50,000 in revenue from the sale.”

Damian is already looking forward to making use of some of Targeting’s latest functionality for his next seasonal sale. 

“Now that Targeting offers the ability to schedule targeted offers, we can just set the launch time and the rest will take care of itself. For our next holiday offer we won’t have to worry about our team needing to go online during their time off to start and stop an offer, it’s just on autopilot.” 

Unscripted Photographers

Unscripted Photographers

Available across iOS and Android, Unscripted Photographers has everything you need to grow your photography business, all in one spot. With over 500,000 happy users, you’re likely to find the app on every photographer's home screen.

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