Mastering mobile pricing experiments: Proven tactics for revenue growth

Discover the why, what, and how of running pricing experiments to make more money with your app.

Wednesday, August 23, 2023 at 9:00 AM

Learn the essentials of mobile pricing experiments from practitioners who have run experiments for apps like Headspace and Fitness AI. The principles you will learn will be useful to developers at all stages of growth, with a focus on those who have yet to kick-off a pricing experimentation programme. Gain insights from real-world scenarios and develop a clear understanding of how to use experiment results to grow your revenue.

Key discussion points

  • Why is it essential to run pricing experiments? And why is pricing one of the most effective levers for increasing revenue in mobile apps?
  • How do you define what you’re going to test? i.e. How do you define a hypothesis?
  • What challenges might you face? What are the potential pitfalls?
  • How can you accurately measure the success of pricing experiments? What are the specific key metrics?
  • How should you use the results of your experiments? And what does a long-term experiments roadmap look like?

About the speakers

  • Keya Patel is the former Director of Product Management, Growth, at Headspace. She and her team were a key part of Headspace’s transition away from freemium, and their use of experiments helped the company surpass financial targets.
  • Jake Mor is the Founder & CEO of Superwall. Superwall is a tool for building and optimizing paywalls without shipping updates. Before founding Superwall, Jake founded the app FitnessAI, growing it to be among the top 50 grossing health and fitness apps in the US, surpassing $2 million in revenue.

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Olivier Lemarié, PhotoroomOlivier Lemarié, Photoroom
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