Add in-app purchases to your Android app

With our easy-to-install SDK, you can add in-app purchases to your Android app in minutes – plus get powerful reporting, data integrations and more without managing servers or writing backend code.

The Complete Toolkit for In-App Purchases

  • Get up and running with only a few lines of code.
  • Fetch products, make purchases, and check subscription status with our native SDK.
  • Host and configure products remotely from our dashboard.
  • See customer transaction histories, chart lifetime value, and grant promotional subscriptions.
  • Get notified of real-time events through webhooks.
Explore the documentation

Focus on building your app, not in-app purchase infrastructure

  • Remotely Manage Products

    Easily manage your products and pricing to avoid long release cycles

  • Avoid Edge Cases

    Get time back from dealing with edge cases and updates across the platforms

  • Reduce complexity

    Your single source of truth for customer status across every platform and 3rd party tool

Out-of-the-box reporting

RevenueCat helps you understand your app business with key metrics, filters, and segments. Get out-of-the-box reporting for revenue, churn, retention, and more.

Easily manage customers

Quickly view customer information, including a timeline of their purchases and active subscriptions, to give your support team the insight they need to debug issues.
And, with the click of a button, you can grant users promotional subscriptions without them needing to redeem a promo code.

Easily integrate with best-in-class tools

Pre-built integrations make syncing data simple

  • Find the winning creative

    Filter results by campaign creative to learn what drives conversion.

  • Track influencers and referrals

    Send timely, compelling offers to recently churned users.

  • Learn which keywords and campaigns are performing

    Find what works and do more of it to drive growth and reduce ad spend.

Send events like

  • Trial starts
  • Subscriptions
  • Renewals
  • Cancellations
  • Trial Conversions
  • Media Source
  • Creative
  • Ad Group
  • Campaign
  • Keyword

Want to see how RevenueCat can help?

RevenueCat enables us to have one single source of truth for subscriptions and revenue data.

Olivier Lemarié, PhotoroomOlivier Lemarié, Photoroom
Read Case Study